Beyond Filming And Uploading: Seo For Youtube

Seo For Youtube

YouTube has become a powerhouse platform for content creators and businesses alike to showcase their videos and reach a vast audience. However, with millions of videos uploaded daily, it’s crucial to use SEO for YouTube to stand out and improve your video’s visibility.

Many people think that the solid, captivating content in the video is more than enough to make it reach millions. Well, that’s not true. But that does not mean we can do with a poor-quality video giving information that’s already known by hundreds. 

As a business, if you’re trying to get visibility on YouTube, it’s important you communicate your brand through your channel. Creating a high-retention video is the first and crucial step in becoming strongly visible on YouTube

High Retention And Ranking 

People’s time is just as important as their money, if not more. So, for them to watch your videos till the end, you need to have something worth listening to /watching. 

But why is it important for people to watch your videos till the end? Why is it important for people to watch a large chunk of your video? Because it affects your ranking. YouTube’s major revenue comes from advertisements. So, if your video can make people spend more time on YouTube, then YouTube will rank your video higher in the search results. Moreover, the longer the video, the better ranking!

Publishing high-retention videos is just one part of SEO for YouTube, but there’s a lot more to it. 

Keywords- First Step To Seo For Youtube

How do users land on a video on YouTube? What you seek is seeking you! Your target audience usually searches for content that you’re creating, either directly on YouTube or on Google. Users type it out, so you have to use the keywords! While Google Keyword Planner is a very good tool, our SEO Expert Chetan Kapoor marks, “Using tricks that aren’t commonly used is what sets us apart.” 

The easiest and most efficient way to gather keywords for your video is Googling your topic. Look at the “About Results,” the number that shows how many videos already exist out there for this keyword. Now, our goal is to find the “Low Competition Keywords”, I.e., the keywords, with a low number of About Results. This is especially useful for YouTube SEO for beginners. If you use the keywords with a high competition, i.e., used in many other videos, high chances are, your video will be buried under the huge pile of videos.

But There’s A Twist!

The trick is to optimise your videos around keywords that already have video results in Google. If you optimise your video around a keyword that doesn’t have any video results in Google, then you’ll only get traffic from people searching on YouTube. But if you optimise for a video keyword, you’ll also get traffic to your video directly from Google’s first page. 

If you can get your video to rank in Google, then a lot of the searchers will click on your video in results. Now we understand that brown parents weren’t entirely wrong for focusing on rankings. 

Audience Engagement

Your videos ought to be not only thought provoking but ACTION PROVOKING. 

Likes/dislikes, video comments, shares, subscribers after watching the video – all of these factors play a major role in ranking your videos.

Click Through Rate (Ctr)

Now, just like with emails, Click Through Rate (CTR) plays a huge role in your video ranking. When someone searches your keyword on YouTube and clicks on your video, your ranking goes up, but it goes down if the user doesn’t click on your video. 

How do we make the users click on our videos? 

Thumbnails And Titles

There’s a popular saying in Hindi, “Jo dikhta hai, wo bikta hai.” Marketers usually use the strategy of putting up a lot of banners/posters, publishing more advertisements (on as many platforms as possible).

But when it comes to SEO for YouTube, the mantra is, “Jo sabse badhiya dikhta hai wo hi sabse jaldi bikta hai.” (That which appeals to the eyes is sold faster). Create appealing thumbnails so that the users click on your videos.

Verbal Seo For Youtube?

Walls aren’t the only non-living with ears (as the popular saying goes). YouTube is as well. YouTube automatically transcribes your videos. So, SAY your keyword in your video. If you mention your target keyword in your video, YouTube will “hear” it. And because you’re actually saying the keyword that your video is optimised around, YouTube will better understand what your video is about.

How To Do Seo For Youtube Videos

Video Title

Your video title should be at least 5 words long, and try using your keyword at the beginning of your title (this will slightly boost your video SEO). 

Video Description 

Your video description helps YouTube and Google understand the context of your video. It should be at least 250 words, and the keyword should appear in the first 25 words. 


When a user is watching someone else’s video on your keyword, tags can help your video to appear in suggested, related, or similar videos sections. 

Here’s how you generate tags – 

Your first tag should be your exact keyword. Include a few variations of that word/ phrase. Lastly, you can use tags for other topics covered in your video.

Channel Description

By including your keywords in your channel’s about section (Channel Description), you do SEO for your YouTube Page. 


You’re on YouTube for views. Now comes the promotion part of the SEO for YouTube. The  Social Media Managers at TCC believe in spreading the word about your YouTube videos in places with people hungry for information. Mentioning your video on Quora and other Q&A sites will give you high-quality and quantity views. At TCC, we do it with the help of researchers and content writers. Visit any of the popular Q&A sites and search for keywords that describe your video’s topic, then find a question that you can answer. A well-researched and articulated answer gives you credibility, making the readers click on the YouTube video link that’s mentioned towards the end of it. You can also do this with blog posts.

Finally, for more views, classify the videos on your channel into Playlists. YouTube automatically plays every video in the Playlist.


Implementing effective SEO techniques for your YouTube videos is essential to increase their visibility, attract more viewers, and grow your channel. Conduct thorough keyword research, publish engaging content, optimize your metadata, and promote your videos across various platforms. By following these strategies, you can improve your YouTube SEO and maximize the reach and impact of your videos. Stay consistent, monitor your video stats in YouTube Studio, and continuously refine your approach to achieve long-term success on YouTube.

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